Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cupcakes for Mr. Bateman

Yesterday I made a batch of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and kept a dozen of them at home because our family went through a big change and it seemed appropriate.  I said I was going to talk about what that big event was. 

Yesterday was my last day at work in the US Air Force.  After eight years, I am turning in combat boots for Sesame Street and string cheese.  I have missed a lot of things with my family, so I am excited to be a stay-at-home-momma (or whatever the politically correct term is these days). 

This morning while out-processing I met a retired veteran who had served in the Navy from 1953 until 1983.  And since his retirement from the Navy, he has been working ever since.  When telling me about how long he's worked, he reminded me that work is good for you.  I don't think he ever intended on not working. 

We got to talking and I decided that if I was going to make anyone cupcakes today, it should be him that I give them to.  So I did.  I tracked him down at the golf course and delivered them to him.  He was very grateful, and it felt so good to give a gift to someone who wasn't expecting it.  I think I have made a friend that I won't soon forget.  He made me promise to come back soon for a cup of coffee, and to put the picture that I took up in my barn in Michigan.

We still live in Germany, but he had remembered me saying I dream about having a big red barn when we move back to Michigan.  He was such a sweet man.  I may have given him cupcakes, but I feel like I got so much more in return.  This is the condensed story.  If you would like to read more, please jump over to my other blog, My Ginger Riott, where I have written the whole story out. 

If you would like to join in on making cupcakes to give to others and you would like to share your story and pictures, please send me an email! 

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